About Course
This Video Course is basically designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the
field of software quality assurance. This comprehensive training program covers various aspects of QA engineering,
including testing methodologies, tools, best practices, and industry standards.
REGISTER NOW for this lucrative course that will allow you to outshine others!
Course Content
Intro to testing, intro to selenium, prerequisites for selenium
Intro to testing, intro to selenium, prerequisites for selenium
Intro to HTML,HTML Tags,Intro to java& Java Installation
Intellij Install,Create 1st java class,Error Types)
Variables,Data Types,Comments
Operators,Multi/Single line comment
Flow Control Statements
Selection,Iterative,Transfer Statements
Methods,Object Creation
Arrays,Object Class
String,String Methods,Wrapper Classes
Packages, Overloading/Overriding, Inheritance
Access Modifiers, Static Modifiers
Final,Abstract,Interface,Exception Handling
Exception Hierarchy,Types,File Handling
Collections, Reflection API
Selenium IDE, Basic Locators
Xpath,Writing relative ,absolute xpath
Xpath Functions,Xpath Axes(following)
Xpath Axes, Css selectors
Selenium setup,basic commands part1
Selenium Commands,Stale Reference,findElements
Handling Multiple windows,Waits basic
Wait,Handling Ajax calls,Alerts
Select class,Frame Introduction
Nested Frame,Action ,Robot class
Screenshot,Handling Calendar,Handlig Table
API Introduction,HTTP Methods
API Automation Using Rest assures , HTTP Status codes
Test Ng, priority, Assertion
Test Ng annotation, Enabled,Ignore
Group,depends on, Listener
Cucumber intro, feature file, step definition file
Background, Regular Expression-1
Regex, tags,comment in BDD
Git repo, git commands
Agile Methodology
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